Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Day My Jesus Found Me

That day began with sorrow,
Like every day the same,
‘Cause I knew not dear Jesus
I felt nothing except shame.

That day my Jesus broke me,
And brought me to my knees;
My sin so deep confined me,
Yet my Jesus set me free.

That day the old self left me,
And a new one took its place.
This new one loved my Jesus,
And hated sin’s every trace.

The day ended in beauty,
I’d never felt this way!
Such praise and worship filled my heart,
That I couldn’t help but say,

“This is the day my Jesus found me,
And called me for His own,
He has my hearts allegiance,
I shall worship Him alone!”

That was the day my Jesus found me,
Oh, blessed, wondrous day!
My heart will ever praise Him,
I will never be the same!

So I know my Jesus found me,
And with me, forever He’ll stay,
He’s made new life within me,
For the old me died that day.


  1. Aw, that is really sweet, Winky! You wrote it, I take it? ;) I didn't know you were a poet! All these years . . . ;)

  2. yup, twas me...not much of one, but I try :)
    Thank Yodie ;)

  3. Beautiful poem of God's redeeming one of His elect.
